The Elder Brother Legend

When the older brother died at age 37, the younger brother discovered a collection of coins which the older brother had acquired from traveling to 20 countries. The younger brother began drilling holes in the coins and he attached iron chains to create necklaces. He started giving away the necklaces to friends, family, and even strangers who desired them.

Over the course of five years, the younger brother gave away 186 of these coin necklaces as they evolved in complexity and refinement. He wore the older brother's last coin for five years and he struggled in deciding whether or not to keep it. He finally decided he would let go of the older brother's last coin, so he made a special plan for it.
First, he traveled to every country the older brother had visited, except one country which was impossible to reach. The younger brother collected his own coins from each country. He then cut small pieces from each of these new coins and soldered the coin sections around the older brother's last coin. Using silver thread, he sewed three silver gears and a copper bail onto the last coin. He fashioned a chain with a small cage at the end, and in the cage he included a ring made from melting the older brother's silver cufflinks.

The moment of the necklace burial was chosen with great intention. It was the exact minute the younger brother's lifespan surpassed the older brother's lifespan -- precisely 19,477,167 minutes into the younger brother's life. He passed his arm into the earth in order to return the last coin his brother had left behind, and he became The Elder Brother, Legend.

Caps Legend continues to this day with an unmistakable sewn metal technique, and he has subsequently advanced into new branches of expansive designs. His project has grown beyond its initial scope of self-healing and now focuses on reaching people with a message of recognition and commonality.
Borne In Celebration

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